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Endgames of the World Champions from Fischer to Carlsen - Chess Endgame Training Download
AUD 47.40Endgames of the World Champions from Fischer to Carlsen (Download) Enjoy how Bobby Fischer plays the “Fischer Endgames” and let Karsten Müller show you how the 11th World Champion made Petrosian and Taimanov despair in endgames...- SKU:
- endg-mu-dl
AUD 47.40 -
The Baffling 2.b3 Sicilian - Chess Opening Software Download
AUD 47.40The Baffling 2.b3 Sicilian (Download) There are a number of good Anti-Sicilian options out there, however I believe the 2.b3 Sicilian to be one of the most overlooked and underrated systems available to White. This modest move came back to the...- SKU:
- b3-sic-dl
AUD 47.40 -
The Reliable Petroff: An Evergreen Elite Choice - Chess Opening Software Download
AUD 47.40The Reliable Petroff - An Evergreen Elite Choice (Download) The Petroff (or Russian) Defense, which is characterized by the moves 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nf6, has been popular at the highest levels for many years and enjoys the reputation of being an...- SKU:
- petroff-fern-dl
AUD 47.40 -
The Tarrasch Defense: A Complete Repertoire against 1.d4, 1.c4 and 1.Nf3 - Opening Software Download
AUD 47.40The Tarrasch Defense A Complete Repertoire against 1.d4, 1.c4 and 1.Nf3 (Download) Are you looking for an active defense against 1.d4? Look no further! The Tarrasch Defense (1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 c5) is one of Black’s most ambitious ways...- SKU:
- tarrasch-ami-dl
AUD 47.40 -
The Vienna Variation: Reliable and Ambitious Weapon against 1.d4 - Chess Opening Download
AUD 47.40The Vienna VariationReliable and Ambitious Weapon against 1.d4 (Download) The Vienna Variation is a particular and independent system of the Queen’s Gambit. It arises after 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.Nc3 dxc4, when Black’s capture on...- SKU:
- vienna-pel-dl
AUD 47.40 -
Smash the Sicilian with the Smith-Morra Gambit, Plus the Smith-Morra Gambit Accepted Data Library (Download)
AUD 55.32Smash the Sicilian with the Smith-Morra Gambit Download The Smith-Morra Gambit (1.e4 c5 2.d4!) is a great attacking weapon against the popular Sicilian Defense. On move two White sacrifices a pawn for fast development and good attacking chances, and...- SKU:
- smith-m-dl
AUD 55.32 -
Master Class, Vol. 9: Mikhail Botvinnik - Chess Biography Software Download
AUD 47.40Master Class, Vol. 9: Mikhail Botvinnik (Download) Mikhail Botvinnik became world champion in 1948 and remained so until 1963. During this time he either successfully defended his title against David Bronstein, Vassily Smyslov and Mihail Tal or got it...- SKU:
- mc9-bot-dl
AUD 47.40 -
Meeting the Gambits, Vol. 2: Gambits after 1.d4 - Chess Opening Software Download
AUD 47.40Meeting the Gambits, Vol. 2: Gambits after 1.d4 (Download)by Andrew Martin Squashing counterplay is a favorite pastime of strong chess players and in "Meeting the Gambits" Vol. 2 we see plenty of that. Advice and suggestions are given...- SKU:
- gambit2-martin-dl
AUD 47.40 -
Winning with the King’s Indian Attack - Chess Opening Software Download
AUD 47.40Winning with the King’s Indian Attack (Download)by Victor Bologan I have always loved the King’s Indian. My trainers, Ion Solonar and Vyacheslav Chebanenco, taught me to play it with Black, and also showed me how play the King’s...- SKU:
- win-kia-bolo
AUD 47.40 -
The Accelerated Dragon: A Sharp Weapon Against 1.e4 - Chess Opening Software Download
AUD 47.40The Accelerated Dragon: A Sharp Weapon Against 1.e4 (Download)by Nadezhda Kosintseva After 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4, the fianchetto 4...g6! leads to the so-called “Accelerated Dragon” variation of the Sicilian, which is...- SKU:
- acc-drag-kosi-dl
AUD 47.40 -
A Classical Guide to the French Defense - Chess Opening Software Download
AUD 47.40A Classical Guide to the French Defense (Download) The French Defense is the sharpest opening setup against 1.e4. With his first two moves, 1...e6 and 2...d5, Black tries to provoke the advance e4-e5. This closes the center and gives Black the...- SKU:
- french-pell
AUD 47.40 -
Power Play 26: Checkmate Challenge, Essential Knowledge - Chess Tactics Software Download
AUD 47.40Checkmate Challenge – Essential KnowledgeDanny King Checkmate. That’s the aim of the game. There are numerous ways to checkmate the enemy King, but there are common patterns that recur over and over again, and having these at our mental...- SKU:
- pp26-dl
AUD 47.40 -
Amazing Albin Counter-Gambit! - Chess Opening Software Download
AUD 47.40Amazing Albin Counter-GambitLawrence Trent The Albin Counter-Gambit (1.d4 d5 2.c4 e5!?) has been a favorite of Grandmasters and amateur players alike since it was popularized by Adolf Albin in the 1890s. This hyper-aggressive system, which immediately...- SKU:
- albin-dl
AUD 47.40 -
A Lifetime Repertoire: Play the Nimzo-Indian! - Chess Opening Software Download
AUD 47.40A Lifetime Repertoire: Play the Nimzo Indian!Rustam Kasimdzhanov This Trainer provides everything you need to know to be able to play one of the most classical openings with Black, the Nimzo-Indian, arising after 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4. Nearly...- SKU:
- life-nimzo
AUD 47.40 -
Calculation Training - Chess Middlegame Training Download
AUD 47.40Calculation Trainingby Robert Ris Nowadays, people tend to prefer working on their chess by studying opening variations with engines, neglecting the practical side of our game. This DVD emphasizes the importance of training your calculation skills...- SKU:
- calc-ris
AUD 47.40 -
The Popular Italian - Chess Opening Training Download
AUD 52.15The Popular Italian by Victor Bologan When we are kids we are mostly taught to play 1.e4, and the first mate we see is the one with Bc4, Qh5 and Qxf7#. It looks like chess theory is turning back to its roots when the move 3.Bc4 was much more popular...- SKU:
- pop-italian
AUD 52.15 -
Endgame Turbo 5 – USB 3.0 Flash Drive (128 GB) Chess Database
AUD 284.81Endgame Turbo 5 – USB 3.0 Flash Drive (128 GB)Six Piece Syzygy Tablebases Perfect endgame analysis and a huge increase in engine performance: get it with the new Endgame Turbo 5! Thanks to a new format the Endgame Turbo 5 is smaller, faster...- SKU:
- turbo-5-fd
AUD 284.81 -
The Sicilian Defense: Shock your Opponent with ...Qb6 - Chess Opening Software Download
AUD 47.40The Surprising Sicilian! Shock your Opponent with an Early ...Qb6 (Download) In the modern game, a player has to be ready to play almost any opening variation at short notice. The plan is to interrupt the preparation of the opponent at every turn. A...- SKU:
- surp-sic-martin-dl
AUD 47.40 -
Chess Assistant 19 with Houdini 6 - Database Management Software Download
AUD 158.19Chess Assistant 19 with Houdini 6 for Download Chess Assistant 19 with Houdini 6 is a unique tool for managing chess games and databases, playing chess through the Internet, analyzing games, or playing chess against the computer.Chess Assistant 19...- SKU:
- ca19-hp6-dl
AUD 158.19 -
Strike Like the World Champions - Chess Training Software Download
AUD 47.40Strike Like the World Champions (Download) The outstanding players in the history of chess were dominating their eras in their very individual styles, which was also reflected in the way they tactically concluded their games. Now you have the...- SKU:
- strike-dl
AUD 47.40