Russell Enterprises

Danish Dynamite: Explosive Gambits - Chess E-Book Download

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Danish Dynamite:
Explosive Gambits in the Danish, Göring, Scotch and Urusov
by Karsten Müller and Martin Voigt (.PDF Download)

White goes for the jugular! The Danish Gambit (1.e4 e5 2.d4 exd4 3.c3), is one of the most aggressive chess openings ever devised. Dynamite was invented by a Swede, Alfred Nobel. The book you are reading now, however, was not written by Nordic players. Instead, Grandmaster Karsten Müller and FIDE Master Martin Voigt bring a touch of German method to the analysis of this explosive group of classical open games where White goes for out-and-out attack based on open lines and accelerated development.

Müller and Voigt do not confine themselves to the Danish Gambit alone but they examine a whole family of related opening variations that share some common characteristics. Most importantly, White is ready to offer some material (a pawn or two, sometimes a piece or more). White goes for the jugular and if Black is not careful he will not even reach the middle game, let alone an endgame. A guiding principle for the authors of this book is that White will play attacking chess, fighting for the initiative at every move. If Black does not meet the challenge in an equally determined way, he will surely lose.
Great news - With this e-book you will receive 3 files: Adobe .pdf, ePub, and PRC ina self-extracting zip. so now you can read your chess books on almost any device! Whether it is an iPad, iPhone, Kindle, or Android, your new ebook will be ready wherever and whenever you want.
  • Downloadable Ebook: 233 pages (.pdf format)
  • Publisher: Russell Enterprises, Inc. 1st printed edition December 10, 2002
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1888690208
  • ISBN-13: 978-1888690200

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