
Fighting the Anti-Sicilians - Chess Opening E-book Download

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System Requirements::
Windows 8 & 7, Windows Vista, XP (Service Pack 3) to run the Reader which can be ChessBase 6.0 +, Fritz 5+, Junior 7+, Shredder 7+, Hiaracs 7+, or the FREE software ChessBase Reader


Fighting the Anti-Sicilians:
Combating 2.c3, the Closed Sicilian, the Morra Gambit and other Tricky Ideas

The Sicilian Defense is by far Black's most popular answer to 1.e4 at all levels of chess. The reason for this is easy to understand: from the very first move Black unbalances the position and can play for a win without needing to take unjustified risks. This is particularly the case with the Open Sicilian, where Black can take comfort from the knowledge that his superior pawn structure ensures control of the center and excellent long-term chances.

Faced with this problem, along with the fact that Open Sicilians generally carry a massive build-up of theory, it's unsurprising that many White players prefer to play one of the various "Anti-Sicilian" lines on offer. These numerous alternatives to 2.Nf3 include the primitive but dangerous Grand Prix Attack, one or two wild gambits, and also some tedious and niggling variations such as 2.c3 and the Closed Sicilian, which are designed to stamp out any fun Black was envisaging when playing 1...c5.

These annoying lines have become the scourge of Sicilian players, but in this book Richard Palliser, a lifelong Sicilian devotee, decides it's time for Black players to finally fight back! Drawing upon his vast experience and understanding of Anti-Sicilians, Palliser creates a dynamic and practical repertoire for Sicilian players to use against these possibilities. In many instances he offers more than one solution for Black - ambitious or solid - and he pays special attention to tricky move orders, weapons that present-day players are likely to use.
NOTE: This product is a e-book in ChessBase .cbv format. Requires ChessBase 6.0 or higher, Fritz, (any ChessBase engine software) or the free ChessBase Light which can be downloaded at no cost.
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Cindy Rlnj


Customer Service Beyond Expectation

First of all, the chess set is beautiful. I gave it to my son two Christmases ago and he plays it constantly. He is very proud of it. So...when our dog captured the pawn and chewed it, my son was bummed. I contacted Chess Central and they said that they would work on it. I totally forgot about it and figured I'd never hear back. Today, guess what arrived in the mail? The black pawn! My son actually did a little jig. Thank you, ChessCentral.

Robert G.


This is by far the most impressive chess set I've ever seen!!

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