The Von-Hennig Schara Gambit Easily Explained (Video)
The Von-Hennig Schara gambit is one of the sharpest responses after White plays 1.d4 d5 2.c4. Black disallows the staid Queen's Gambit and goes for the kill! Black opens lines at the cost of a pawn and goes on the attack, making the Von-Hennig Schara gambit an ideal practical weapon for the club or tournament player. Grandmasters do not venture this gambit very often, because they think it is too risky and as a result there is much uncharted territory to be discovered. On this new Foxy video, Andrew Martin suggests a repertoire for Black which will get your opponents thinking - White must defend at the very beginning of the game! The author steers around theoretical difficulties by suggesting unusual move-orders, so expect to win your fair share of games with this fiery gambit!
Foxy Openings Series
The Foxy Chess Openings Series is a timeless collection of Grandmasters opening explained simple enough to comprehend at any level. These videos will improve your rating and give you a greater understanding of all the openings and is recommended for all levels.