
Beating Unusual Openings - Chess Opening E-book Download

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System Requirements::
Windows 8 & 7, Windows Vista, XP (Service Pack 3) to run the Reader which can be ChessBase 6.0 +, Fritz 5+, Junior 7+, Shredder 7+, Hiaracs 7+, or the FREE software ChessBase Reader


Beating Unusual Chess Openings:
Dealing With the English, Reti, King's Indian Attack
and Other Annoying Systems 

Beating Unusual Chess Openings is a godsend to those chess players fed up with struggling against all opening moves other than White's main two: 1.e4 and 1.d4. From the respectable (English Opening, Réti and King's Indian Attack) through to the offbeat (Nimzo-Larsen Attack, Bird's Opening) and the totally bizarre (Orangutan, Grob); everything Black needs to know about facing unusual openings is covered within these pages. Richard Palliser gets to grips with all of White's possibilities, examining their strengths and weaknesses and in turn organizing a reliable and practical repertoire for Black.
NOTE: This product is a e-book in ChessBase .cbv format. Requires ChessBase 6.0 or higher, Fritz, (any ChessBase engine software) or the free ChessBase Light which can be downloaded at no cost.

NOTE: This product is a e-book in ChessBase .cbv format. Requires ChessBase 6.0 or higher, Fritz, (any ChessBase engine software) or the free ChessBase Reader which can be downloaded at no cost.

System requirements: Minimum: Pentium 1 GHz, 512 MB RAM, Windows Vista or Windows XP (Service Pack 2)

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