
Opening Repertoire: The Fianchetto System - Chess Opening E-book Download

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Windows 8 & 7, Windows Vista, XP (Service Pack 3) to run the Reader which can be ChessBase 6.0 +, Fritz 5+, Junior 7+, Shredder 7+, Hiaracs 7+, or the FREE software ChessBase Reader


Opening Repertoire: The Fianchetto System
Weapons for White against the King's Indian and Grunfeld

Grandmaster Damian Lemos presents a repertoire for White against both the King's Indian and Grunfeld defenses. Many players struggle to find suitable lines to challenge these two popular and dynamic openings, or find the masses of theory in the main lines difficult to digest. Lemos solves this perennial problem by advocating a solid system of development based on the fianchetto system, where understanding ideas is more important than move memorization. By playing a very early g3 and Bg2, White protects his Kingside, denies Black much of the counterplay typically associated with the King's Indian and Grunfeld, and creates long-term pressure on the Queenside. Lemos's choices in this book are largely based on his own repertoire he used on the way to becoming a Grandmaster. Using illustrative games, Lemos examines the typical tactics and strategies for both sides and highlights key move order issues. This book tells you everything you need to know about playing the Fianchetto System against the King's Indian and Grunfeld.

A repertoire for White after 1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 g6
Includes the King's Indian, Grünfeld and Symmetrical English
Examines the key tactical and positional ideas


NOTE: This product is a e-book in ChessBase .cbv format. Requires ChessBase 6.0 or higher, Fritz, (any ChessBase engine software) or the free ChessBase Reader which can be downloaded at no cost.

System requirements: Minimum: Pentium 1 GHz, 512 MB RAM, Windows Vista or Windows XP (Service Pack 2)

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