Queen's Pawn
Queen's Pawn Opening Software
These pages list all chess opening training software devoted to the Queen's Pawn chess opening, where White plays 1.d4 on the first move. Often considered more strategic than the King's Pawn opening, the move 1.d4 can still lead to extreme tactical encounters, as in Albin's Countergambit - or the whole series of gambits explored in Complete 1.d4 Gambits. On the other hand, you can find chess opening software about super-solid chess openings or maybe become a specialist in handling the Isolated Queen's Pawn arising from the Tarrasch Defense (after 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 c5). Everything from repertoires to chess theory on little-known 1.d4 sidelines is here - chess opening training software to help you master the Queen's Pawn chess opening.
Queen's Indian Defense: The Modern Approach - Chess Opening Software Download
AUD 47.68Queen's Indian Defense - The Modern Approach (Download)by Sergei Tiviakov Eight years have passed since the creation of the Trainer “No Fear of 1.d4 (Volume 1)“ in which Sergei Tiviakov, among other things, explained how to play the...- SKU:
- qid-dl
AUD 47.68 -
The Torre Attack with Simon Williams - Chess Opening Download
AUD 47.68The Torre Attack (Download)by Simon Williams The Torre Attack is an extremely effective way of taking your opponent into an uncomfortable situation right from move one. White plays three simple moves 1.d4, 2.Nf3, and 3.Bg5, avoiding a lot of...- SKU:
- torre-sw-dl
AUD 47.68 -
The Colle–Koltanowski System - Chess Opening Software Download
AUD 47.68The Colle–Koltanowski System (Download)by Simon Williams A real favorite among club players. The Colle-Koltanowski system is very easy to learn, yet an extremely dangerous opening. White goes for a simple set up, aiming all of his pieces...- SKU:
- colle-k-dl
AUD 47.68 -
Anti-London System - Chess Opening Software Download
AUD 47.68Anti-London System (Download) The London System, which for a long time had been the reputation of a rather harmless sideline, has developed into a very popular opening, and World Champion Magnus Carlsen is only one of many top players who plays it...- SKU:
- Anti-london-dl
AUD 47.68 -
Attacking Repertoire with 1.d4, Part 2 - Chess Opening Download
AUD 47.68An Attacking Repertoire with 1.d4, Part 2 (Download)by Nicholas Pert In this detailed two-part video series I take a look at a main line White system based on 1.d4, aimed at the ambitious player who is looking to put maximum pressure on his opponent...- SKU:
- attack-d4-dl
AUD 47.68 -
An Attacking Repertoire with 1.d4, Part 1 - Chess Opening Download
AUD 47.68An Attacking Repertoire with 1.d4, Part 1 (Download)by Nicholas Pert In this detailed two-part video series I take a look at a main line White system based on 1.d4, aimed at the ambitious player who is looking to put maximum pressure on his opponent...- SKU:
- ttck-d4p1--dl
AUD 47.68 -
An Attacking Repertoire with 1.d4, (Vol. 1 & 2) - Opening Software Download
AUD 79.52An Attacking Repertoire with 1.d4, Parts 1 and 2 (Download)by Nicholas Pert Part 1 (1.d4 d5 2.c4) In this detailed two-part video series I take a look at a main line White system based on 1.d4, aimed at the ambitious player who is looking...- SKU:
- attck-d4-dl
AUD 79.52 -
The Aggressive Classical Dutch for Black - Chess Opening Software Download
AUD 47.68The Aggressive Classical Dutch for Black (Download) The Dutch (1.d4 f5) is known as a very aggressive and unbalanced opening, resulting in the lowest percentage of draws among the most common replies to 1.d4. The opening became popular during the...- SKU:
- dutch-pert
AUD 47.68 -
The Tarrasch Defense: A Complete Repertoire against 1.d4, 1.c4 and 1.Nf3 - Opening Software Download
AUD 47.68The Tarrasch Defense A Complete Repertoire against 1.d4, 1.c4 and 1.Nf3 (Download) Are you looking for an active defense against 1.d4? Look no further! The Tarrasch Defense (1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 c5) is one of Black’s most ambitious ways...- SKU:
- tarrasch-ami-dl
AUD 47.68 -
The Vienna Variation: Reliable and Ambitious Weapon against 1.d4 - Chess Opening Download
AUD 47.68The Vienna VariationReliable and Ambitious Weapon against 1.d4 (Download) The Vienna Variation is a particular and independent system of the Queen’s Gambit. It arises after 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.Nc3 dxc4, when Black’s capture on...- SKU:
- vienna-pel-dl
AUD 47.68 -
Meeting the Gambits, Vol. 2: Gambits after 1.d4 - Chess Opening Software Download
AUD 47.68Meeting the Gambits, Vol. 2: Gambits after 1.d4 (Download)by Andrew Martin Squashing counterplay is a favorite pastime of strong chess players and in "Meeting the Gambits" Vol. 2 we see plenty of that. Advice and suggestions are given...- SKU:
- gambit2-martin-dl
AUD 47.68 -
Amazing Albin Counter-Gambit! - Chess Opening Software Download
AUD 47.68Amazing Albin Counter-GambitLawrence Trent The Albin Counter-Gambit (1.d4 d5 2.c4 e5!?) has been a favorite of Grandmasters and amateur players alike since it was popularized by Adolf Albin in the 1890s. This hyper-aggressive system, which immediately...- SKU:
- albin-dl
AUD 47.68 -
A Lifetime Repertoire: Play the Nimzo-Indian! - Chess Opening Software Download
AUD 47.68A Lifetime Repertoire: Play the Nimzo Indian!Rustam Kasimdzhanov This Trainer provides everything you need to know to be able to play one of the most classical openings with Black, the Nimzo-Indian, arising after 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4. Nearly...- SKU:
- life-nimzo
AUD 47.68 -
The Tactical Chigorin Defense - Chess Opening Software Download
AUD 47.68The Tactical Chigorin Defense (Download) Opening with the Chigorin Defense (1.d4 d5 2.c4 Nc6) shows your intention to play for a win right from the outset. After 2...Nc6 Black’s pieces fly into the game putting pressure on White’s position...- SKU:
- chigorin-williams
AUD 47.68 -
The Blumenfeld Gambit: A Sharp Benoni Weapon - Chess Opening Software Download
AUD 47.68The Blumenfeld Gambit – A Sharp Weapon in the Benoni (Download) It was back in the 1920s that the Russian master Benjamin Blumenfeld invented his famous gambit 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 c5 4.d5 b5!?, and to the present day the opening retains great...- SKU:
- blum-dl
AUD 47.68 -
The Stonewall Dutch: A Fighting Repertoire against 1.d4 - Chess Opening Software Download
AUD 47.68The Stonewall Dutch – A Fighting Repertoire against 1.d4Download by Erwin l’Ami When opening theory is growing exponentially, it is great to have an opening that is mainly based on ideas - the Dutch Stonewall! Players such as Mikhail...- SKU:
- st-dutch-ami-dl
AUD 47.68 -
The Semi-Slav: A Grandmaster’s Guide - Chess Opening Download
AUD 47.68The Semi-Slav: A Grandmaster’s Guide for the Tournament Playerby Peter Heine Nielsen The Semi-Slav (1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.Nc3 c6) can arise via various move orders, has decided World Championships, and is one of Black’s most...- SKU:
- semi-slav-niel-dl
AUD 47.68 -
Power Play 24: A Black Repertoire against the Catalan - Chess Opening Software Download
AUD 47.68Power Play 24: A Repertoire For Black Against the Catalan Defense (Download) The Catalan is a reliable opening for White, but there are ways for Black to shake White out of his complacency while still maintaining a sound and solid position himself. On...- SKU:
- pp24-dl
AUD 47.68 -
Power Play 23: A Black Repertoire with the QGD - Chess Opening Software Download
AUD 47.68Power Play 23: A Repertoire For Black with the Queen’s Gambit Declined (Download) The Queen’s Gambit Declined (QGD) is one of the most reliable openings against 1.d4. With a rock solid pawn in the middle of the board, Black refuses to be...- SKU:
- pp23-dl
AUD 47.68 -
The Semi-Tarrasch: A Universal Weapon against 1.d4 - Chess Opening Software Download
AUD 47.68The Semi-Tarrasch Defense: A Universal Weapon against 1.d4 (Download) Even though the Semi-Tarrasch cannot offer a complete repertoire against 1.d4, being conditioned on White’s move order, it is an excellent complement to the Nimzo-Indian...- SKU:
- mart-tarr-dl
AUD 47.68