Queen's Pawn
Queen's Pawn Opening Software
These pages list all chess opening training software devoted to the Queen's Pawn chess opening, where White plays 1.d4 on the first move. Often considered more strategic than the King's Pawn opening, the move 1.d4 can still lead to extreme tactical encounters, as in Albin's Countergambit - or the whole series of gambits explored in Complete 1.d4 Gambits. On the other hand, you can find chess opening software about super-solid chess openings or maybe become a specialist in handling the Isolated Queen's Pawn arising from the Tarrasch Defense (after 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 c5). Everything from repertoires to chess theory on little-known 1.d4 sidelines is here - chess opening training software to help you master the Queen's Pawn chess opening.
The Neo-London-System - The Sharper Alternative to the Popular London System - Chess Opening Software Download
$70.84The Neo-London-SystemThe Sharper Alternative to the Popular London System (Download)Elisabeth Pähtz Discover the Neo-London System – a creative and improved version of the classic London System! With the move 3.c3 and later Bf4, the...- SKU:
- neo-l-p
$70.84 -
A Super Grandmaster's Guide to Openings, Vol. 1 & 2 - Chess Opening Software Download
$127.58A Super Grandmaster's Guide to Openings, Vol. 1 & 2 (Download)by Anish Giri A Super Grandmaster's Guide to Openings Vol. 1: 1.e4 When embarking on the journey of building an opening repertoire, imagine seeing each opening through the...- SKU:
- SGGO Anish V1&2 G dl
$127.58 -
The Rock Solid Queen's Indian Defense - Chess Opening Software Download
$52.41The Rock Solid Queen's Indian Defense (Download)by Leon Mendonca The Queen’s Indian Defense stands as a renowned opening for Black, retaining its popularity and prominence at the highest echelons of chess for well over a century. Esteemed for...- SKU:
- Leon M RSQID dl
$52.41 -
A Super Grandmaster's Guide to Openings, Vol. 2: 1.d4, 1.c4 and Sidelines - Chess Opening Software Download
$70.84A Super Grandmaster's Guide to Openings Vol.2: 1.d4, 1.c4 and Sidelines (Download)by Anish Giri As you embark on the journey of developing your opening repertoire, wouldn't it be invaluable to gain insights from a super GM's perspective...- SKU:
- SGGO V2 Anish G dl
$70.84 -
A Repertoire vs. the Queen's Gambit Declined, 4.Bg5 - Chess Opening Download
$56.66A Repertoire Against The Queen's Gambit Declined, 4.Bg5 (Download)by Iniyan Panneerselvam The Queen's Gambit Declined (QGD) remains a widely favored opening across all skill levels, catering to both novices and seasoned World Champions. Renowned...- SKU:
- Panneer QGD dl
$56.66 -
Understanding Middlegame Strategies, Vol. 7: Dynamic Catalan - Chess Opening Software Download
$49.57Understanding Middlegame Strategies - Vol 7 (Download)by Ivan Sokolov Many young top-players are opting for the trendy “Dynamic Catalan” where, against the triangle or semi-slav structures, White can sacrifice a pawn to gain...- SKU:
- Ivan S UMGS V7 dl
$49.57 -
The Surprising Janowski Variation - Chess Opening Training Download
$49.57The Surprising Janowski Variation 3...a6 in the Queen‘s Gambit Declined Download for Windows PC Explore the mysteries of the powerful Janowski Variation of the Queen’s Gambit Declined with this brand-new video course! Immerse...- SKU:
- Jan-lib
$49.57 -
The Leningrad Dutch Defense: A Repertoire against 1.d4, 1.c4, and 1.Nf3 - Chess Opening Training Download
$49.57The Leningrad Dutch Defense - A Repertoire against1.d4, 1.c4, and 1.Nf3 by Svitlana Demchenko Download for Windows PC The Leningrad Variation of the Dutch Defense is a dynamic and aggressive opening line for Black, perfect for players who...- SKU:
- len-dut-sv
$49.57 -
The Super Solid Slav Defense - Chess Opening Software Download
$42.48The Super Solid Slav Defense - Chess Opening Software Downloadby Sipke Ernst After the moves 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 we get the Slav defense. This video course will focus on 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.Nc3 and now 4...dxc4, but the white alternatives leading up to the mainline...- SKU:
- ernst-slav
$42.48 -
3.h4 against the King's Indian and Grünfeld - Chess Opening Software Download
$42.483.h4 against the King's Indian and Grünfeld (Download) Sipke Ernst For some time now, we’ve known that the strongest chess engines like to push their flank pawns up the board. This has led to an interesting system, with which we can...- SKU:
- 3.h4-dl
$42.48 -
Get 6 Simon Williams Gambits in One Steal of a Deal! - Software Download
$141.76King's Gambit, Vol. 1 This download concentrates on the King's Gambit accepted with 3.Bc4. Bronstein once said about this move, "You want to play the King's Gambit? Well, Black can draw after 3.Nf3. Play 3.Bc4 if you want to win!" Of course things...- SKU:
- 6-simon-gambits-dl
$141.76 -
A Complete Black Repertoire against 1.d4, 1.Nf3 & 1.c4 - Chess Opening Software Download
$77.94A Complete Black Repertoire against 1.d4, 1.Nf3 & 1.c4, Vol. 1 & 2 by Robert Ris These video courses feature a black repertoire against 1.d4, 1.Nf3 and 1.c4. The recommended variations are easy to learn and not difficult to remember, but also...- SKU:
- Blk-rep-d4-dl
$77.94 -
Attacking with the Jobava London System - Chess Opening Software Download
$42.48Attacking with the Jobava London System (Download)Elisabeth Pähtz The Jobava London System, named after the top Georgian player Baadur Jobava, is a side form of the London System, which differs in principle in only one small detail - the white...- SKU:
- job-lond-dl
$42.48 -
The Barry Attack - Chess Opening Software Download
$42.48The Barry Attack (Download)Andrew Martin On this new ChessBase video course, FIDE Senior Trainer and IM Andrew Martin gets you ready to play the Barry in your own games. Players under 2200 will benefit the most. It turns out that after 1.d4 Nf6 2...- SKU:
- barry-dl
$42.48 -
The Catalan vs. the Semi-Slav, Chebanenko, and Triangle - Chess Opening Software Download
$42.48The Catalan vs. the Semi-Slav, Chebanenko, and Triangle (Download)by Mihail Marin In order to avoid reaching a somewhat passive Catalan setup, Black has to get out of his comfort zone and accept the pawn sacrifice on c4. White’s compensation...- SKU:
- Catalan-vs-mm-dl
$42.48 -
The Saemisch Variation against the King’s Indian and Benoni - Chess Opening Download
$42.48The Saemisch Variation against the King’s Indian and Benoni (Download)by Jan Werle Beat the King’s Indian and Benoni structures with the impenetrable pawn phalanx g2-f3-e4-d5. Encounter your opponent with sound and fresh ideas in this...- SKU:
- saem-werle-dl
$42.48 -
The Grünfeld Formula - Chess Opening Software Download
$42.48The Grünfeld Formula (Download)by Andrew Martin The story goes that a low-rated player once bravely asked Viktor Korchnoi his advice about what opening to play against a stronger opponent. “Play Grünfeld” was the grumpy reply...- SKU:
- gruen-mart-dl
$42.48 -
Simon Williams: The Exciting Budapest Gambit - Chess Opening Download
$42.48The Exciting Budapest Gambit Simon Williams The Budapest Gambit is an exciting and fun way to play against 1.d4 and 2.c4 – replying with 1...Nf6 and 2...e5. In this video you will learn how to pose problems for White with this fascinating...- SKU:
- sw-bud-dl
$42.48 -
Attacking Repertoire with 1.d4, Part 3: King’s Indian, Grünfeld and Sidelines - Opening Software Download
$42.48An Attacking Repertoire with 1.d4, Part 3 (Download)King’s Indian, Grünfeld and Sidelinesby Nicholas Pert In this 3rd and final edition of my 1.d4 series I have focused on all of the lines which were not covered in the 1.d4 d5 (volume 1)...- SKU:
- att-d4-pt3-dl
$42.48 -
The Benko Gambit Explained - Chess Opening Software Download
$42.48The Benko Gambit Explainedby Erwin l’Ami (Download) Pal Benko left the world of chess an enormous legacy. Not only was he a formidable study composer, he also gave his name to the gambit line 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5. In this DVD, Erwin...- SKU:
- benk--erw-dl