Mac Chess Software
Chess Software for Mac
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ChessCentral's online chess store has grouped together chess software programs designed for your Mac computer. Please note that if a product is not listed in this category then it will not run on Mac, but is designed only to run with Windows operating system or PCs. The Mac versions will run on any Mac with OS 7.1 or later. Newer Macs with OS X can run older, pre-OS X software in what's called the "classic" mode - programs open and look just they were designed to do, but have none of the newer OS X features. That said, chess software for Mac ranges from chess trainers to chess playing engines like Shredder. If it's chess software that runs on Mac, then ChessCentral has it in stock!
The Flexible Open Spanish - Chess Opening Software Download
$29.95The Flexible Open Spanish (Download)by Sipke Ernst The Open Spanish is considered to be one of the soundest systems in modern opening theory. It remains a popular choice among superstars such as Mamediyarov, Caruana, So, and Giri and was used...- SKU:
- aspan-sipke-dl
$29.95 -
The Grünfeld Formula - Chess Opening Software Download
$29.95The Grünfeld Formula (Download)by Andrew Martin The story goes that a low-rated player once bravely asked Viktor Korchnoi his advice about what opening to play against a stronger opponent. “Play Grünfeld” was the grumpy reply...- SKU:
- gruen-mart-dl
$29.95 -
The Flexible Panov: A Weapon Against the Caro-Kann - Chess Opening Software Download
$29.95The Flexible Panov: A Weapon Against the Caro-Kann (Download)by Nico Zwirs The Caro-Kann is one of the most solid and respected responses against 1.e4. Since it is so solid, the Caro-Kann is an absolute brainteaser for most 1.e4 players. If you...- SKU:
- panov-dl
$29.95 -
A Black Repertoire versus the Anti-Sicilians - Chess Opening Software Download
$29.95A Black Repertoire versus the Anti-Sicilians (Download)by Nicholas Pert This repertoire is designed for players who play 2...Nc6 against the main line Sicilian. The video series is a perfect complement to my Kalashnikov video series in order to give...- SKU:
- blk-anti-sic-dl
$29.95 -
Practical Chess Strategy: The Bishop - Chess Software Download
$29.95Practical Chess Strategy: The Bishop (Download)by Merijn van Delft One of the most persistent misunderstandings among chess fans is that positions with opposite-colored Bishops are drawish. In fact, opposite-colored Bishops tend to make the position...- SKU:
- prat-strat-bishop
$29.95 -
Sicilian Dragon: The Real Deal! - Chess Opening Software Download
$29.95Sicilian Dragon: The Real Deal! (Download)by Chris Ward Part 1: Understanding The DragonA two part chess video series taking a look at Black’s most aggressive response to 1.e4 from both a principled and theoretical perspective. In this first...- SKU:
- dragon1-ward-dl
$29.95 -
The English Opening: Tactic and Strategy Toolbox - Chess Opening Software Download
MSRP: $36.95$29.95The English Opening: Tactic and Strategy Toolbox (Download)by Mihail Marin Widely regarded as a positional opening, the English essentially features a tight connection between strategy and tactics or, as an even more fateful description, between...- SKU:
- eng-marin
MSRP: $36.95$29.95 -
The White Sniper (Winning with g3, Bg2 and c4!) - Chess Opening Software Download
$32.95The White Sniper (Winning with g3, Bg2 and c4!)by Charlie Storey (Download) The White Sniper is characterised by three moves against any black setup: 1.g3 2.Bg2 and 3.c4 though not necessarily in that order. Think of The White Sniper as a...- SKU:
- wsniper-st-dl
$32.95 -
The Benko Gambit Explained - Chess Opening Software Download
$29.95The Benko Gambit Explainedby Erwin l’Ami (Download) Pal Benko left the world of chess an enormous legacy. Not only was he a formidable study composer, he also gave his name to the gambit line 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5. In this DVD, Erwin...- SKU:
- benk--erw-dl
$29.95 -
Mastering the Sicilian Najdorf: A Classical Repertoire for Black - Chess Opening Download
$29.95Mastering the Sicilian NajdorfA Classical Repertoire for Blackby Yannick Pelletier (Download) The Najdorf Variation of the Sicilian has been one of the most popular openings for decades. Players of every level like it and it also was an important part...- SKU:
- sic-naj-pell
$29.95 -
A Modern Approach against the Sicilian: The Rossolimo Variation & Moscow Variation (Vol. 1 & 2) - Opening Software Download
$54.95A Modern Approach against the SicilianVol.1: The Rossolimo Variation, plus Vol.2: The Moscow Variation by Jan Werle (Download) Do you not have time to follow the latest and most aggressive developments in the main lines of the Sicilian but...- SKU:
- ros-mos
$54.95 -
A Nightmare for the Najdorf - Chess Opening Download
$29.95A Nightmare for the Najdorfby Sergei Tiviakov (Download) The Najdorf is one of the most dangerous variations of the Sicilian Defense. Fighting against it is always difficult, but GM Tiviakov demonstrates a very effective way to combat this popular...- SKU:
- night-naj-dl